Conception Junction Pallasite, Mo.




Karl Aston

Robert Ward

Dave Gheesling

Sean Murray





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Cover and inside page of the CONCEPTION JUNCTION PALLASITE, MO. by David B. Gheesling.

Conception Junction Monograph
CONCEPTION JUNCTION PALLASITE, MO., is a 16-page monograph that highlights the recovery, classification and other noteworthy details regarding the introduction of the Conception Junction pallasite to the meteorite community. UCLA’s Dr. John Wasson, the world’s authority on iron meteorites and pallasites, conducted the formal classification of the Conception Junction pallasite and also contributed a summary of his analyses to this writing.

Copies of CONCEPTION JUNCTION PALLASITE, MO, can be ordered from the Contact page for $9.99 each, plus $5 for USPS Priority Mail in the CONUS or $10 for 1st Class International shipments elsewhere.

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Cover and first page of the Taney County Meteorite, Mo. by George F. Kunz.

Taney Co. Monograph
The style of the monograph pays homage to the 1887 George F. Kunz writing, TANEY COUNTY METEORITE, MO. This Kunz work was the then-definitive report of another Missouri stony-iron, which would later be known as the Mincy mesosiderite.